Let’s Encrypt certificates with Traefik

In this article, we’ll look at using Traefik in K3S alongside cert-manager to act as an ACME (Automatic Certificate Management Environment) client for acquiring certificates from Let’s Encrypt. In order to obtain certificates, it is necessary to prove domain ownership to a Certificate Authority (CA). One method of verifying ownership is through a DNS-01 challenge. For this guide, we will use Cloudflare as our DNS provider, but the principles outlined can easily be adapted for use with other DNS providers....

September 1, 2024 · 4 min · Daniel

Mikrotik Terraform 1

This is the first part of my MikroTik and Terraform series, where I will explain my old and current setup and answer a lot of questions about why. Old setup Many, many years ago I decided to abandon the traditional two-pair wiring hDSL (most widespread, at least in Switzerland) because I was bored of paying the electrician at each house change due to the required changes on the building telephone panel....

August 4, 2024 · 3 min · Daniel

Integrate Dnscrypt-proxy with a Home DNS Server

I recently bought a MikroTik router and I’m spending a lot of time configuring it and trying to understand/learn as much as I can (some posts coming in the near future). With the new router I would like to go a step further and set up some static DNS entries within my home for my devices and for my lab. In this post we will: Prevent dhcpd and NetworkManager to overwrite /etc/resolv....

July 31, 2024 · 3 min · Daniel

Embracing Man Pages

Nowadays, the browser is always open on my computer and I spend most of my time there. If there is a problem or I need to look up the parameters of a command, the first thing I do is look it up on the web. Now I want to go back to using man pages and rediscover the romance and essence that they convey. Why Man Pages? Always there when you need them: Unlike the internet, which requires connectivity, man pages are always right there on your system....

July 11, 2024 · 2 min · Daniel

Raspberry Btrfs

I would like to build a simple NAS using my Raspberry Pi 5, equipped with the Geekworm X1011 and an M.2 NVMe drives. This project will also provide me with the opportunity to use BTRFS for the first time. Getting started To install BTRFS excecute the following commnad: sudo apt install btrfs-progs Uses lsblk to get the current partitions status $ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS mmcblk0 179:0 0 14....

July 10, 2024 · 3 min · Daniel

Debian Preseed late_command

In Debian installation process, the preseed.cfg file allows for automated installations by pre-configuring various installation parameters. In this article I will focus on the d-i preseed/late_command string parameter, which is used to run custom commands at the end of the installation process. Here is an example that I recently used in my packer-vbox-debian-latest project: d-i preseed/late_command string \ mkdir --mode=700 /target/home/testuser/.ssh; \ wget -q -O /target/home/testuser/.ssh/authorized_keys; \ in-target chown testuser:testuser /home/testuser/....

July 1, 2024 · 2 min · Daniel

Install Arch with SSH

My current Arch Linux installation has many years and I’d like to reinstall it using other technologies like LVM and BTRFS, but before reinstalling my laptop, I’m testing the installation process inside a VirtualBox VM. This morning I got bored of typing all the commands and in my head popped up Powershell Direct with Hyper-V. Basically you can attach a Powershell session directly to the Hyper-V VM. I found a similar approach by configuring port forwarding in VirtualBox and connecting via SSH....

June 22, 2024 · 1 min · Daniel

NVM on Enterprise

Node Version Manager for Windows is the de facto tool for managing multiple versions of Node.js, and is widely used by developers. In organisations where high security standards are in place, it can be a challenge to allow developers to use NVM. Getting started The aim of this short guide is to enable your developers to use NVM for Windows without the need for administrator rights, applying the concept of least privilege....

June 11, 2024 · 2 min · Daniel

Raspberry Pi Notes

These evolving personal notes document my journey and discoveries as I explore the versatile Raspberry Pi. At present, all information pertains specifically to the Raspberry Pi 5. Power Minimum required: 5V / 3A (can’t connect any bus-powered HDDs/SSDs) Best performance: 5v / 5A Remainder: x Volt * y Amp = z Watt Pogo Pin: A pogo pin is a spring-loaded connector used to create reliable electrical connections in electronics without the need for soldering, commonly for programming and connecting peripherals....

May 31, 2024 · 3 min · Daniel

Not in My Picture

Surely you have been in a situation where you wanted to wait before taking a photo because there were other people in the lens. Or think about how beautiful the photo of that square would have been without the people. That’s it… I do this almost every time I take a photo (apart from the time I was in the middle of nowhere in Iceland). So I said to myself: either I get up at 5am and take the photo, hoping that nobody else has had my bright idea, or we try to remove the objects with AI....

May 10, 2024 · 2 min · Daniel